6 Raster and mean spike rate plots
6.1 Data sets
This section will rely on some of the unbinned and binned data we exported in final steps of the previous section. We’ll start by loading in information
## File paths and basenames of _unbinned.csv files
unbinned_filelist list.files("./data/", pattern = "_unbinned.csv",
full.names = TRUE)
unbinned_basenames %>%
unbinned_filelist str_remove("./data/") %>%
## File paths and basenames of _binsize10.csv files
bin10_filelist list.files("./data/", pattern = "_binsize10.csv",
full.names = TRUE)
bin10_basenames %>%
bin10_filelist str_remove("./data/") %>%
## File paths and basenames of _binsize100.csv files
bin100_filelist list.files("./data/", pattern = "_binsize100.csv",
full.names = TRUE)
bin100_basenames %>%
bin100_filelist str_remove("./data/") %>%
You should have something similar to the following:
unbinned_filelist; unbinned_basenames; bin10_filelist; bin10_basenames; bin100_filelist; bin100_basenames
## [1] "./data/2023-02-16_001_unbinned.csv"
## [1] "2023-02-16_001"
## [1] "./data/2023-02-16_001_binsize10.csv"
## [1] "2023-02-16_001"
## [1] "./data/2023-02-16_001_binsize100.csv"
## [1] "2023-02-16_001"
6.2 Raster plot
Here is an example of a raster plot, using the wrangled data generated in the previous section. This type of plot shows the timing of spike events within each replicate sweep, and for our purposes, we’ll produce a view of this for each of the various stimulus conditions
It is important to note that we will need unbinned data for this. This is because a raster plot shows discrete spiking events through the course of a time sweep.
Here, we will use ggplot
to create a plot with:
- Data sub-plotted by stimulus (i.e., Speed and Direction)
- Standardized sweep time on the x-axis, with delineation among blank, stationary, and moving phases using red, yellow, and green undershading. The y-axis will indicate replicate number
- A black tick each time a spike is observed. Absence of black tick = no observed spike
## For each unbinned file, generate a raster plot
rasterplots for (i in 1:length(unbinned_filelist)) {
## Read in the data
unbinned_data read_csv(unbinned_filelist[i]) %>%
## determine the max number of replicates
<- max(unbinned_data$Replicate)
## get unique speeds
sorted_speeds $Speed %>% unique %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
## Generate the code for the ggplot and save it as rasterplots[[i]]
rasterplots[[i]] %>%
unbinned_data ## Remove any rows where spiking does not occur in the Spikes column
filter(Spikes == 1) %>%
## Convert Trial and Speed into factors and specify their level ordering
## This will make it easier to get the subplots in the order we want them
Trial = factor(Trial,
levels = c("blank", "stationary", "moving")),
Speed = factor(Speed,
levels = sorted_speeds)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Time_stand, y = Replicate)) +
## The next three blocks will undershade each subplot according to stimulus
## phase (i.e., blank, stationary, moving)
xmin = 0, xmax = first(unbinned_data$Blank_end),
ymin = 0.5, ymax = max_reps + 0.5,
alpha = 0.075, color = NA, fill = "red") +
xmin = first(unbinned_data$Blank_end),
xmax = first(unbinned_data$Static_end),
ymin = 0.5, ymax = max_reps + 0.5,
alpha = 0.075, color = NA, fill = "darkgoldenrod1") +
xmin = first(unbinned_data$Static_end), xmax = 5,
ymin = 0.5, ymax = max_reps + 0.5,
alpha = 0.075, color = NA, fill = "forestgreen") +
## Up to 10 replicates were used, so we will force the y-axis to go to 10
limits = c(0.5, max_reps + 0.5),
expand = c(0, 0),
breaks = c(max_reps/2, max_reps)
) ## There are multiple ways to plot a spike event. Since 100% of the rows in
## this filtered data set are spike events, we can simply plot a symbol at
## each time (Time_stand) that appears in the data. The `|` symbol is a good
## choice.
geom_point(pch = '|', size = 1.5) +
xlab("Time (sec)") +
ggtitle(paste0(unbinned_basenames[i], " raster")) +
## Use facet_grid() to create a grid of subplots. Rows will correspond to
## Speeds, and columns correspond to Directions
facet_grid(rows = vars(Speed), cols = vars(Direction)) +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = 'none',
panel.spacing = unit(0.1, "lines"))
## Clean up
is now an object in the environment that contains one plot
per imported data file. To plot, simply call the index of the file you
wish to see. Since we only have 1 example file, we’ll showcase the only
plot here:
## Here's the raster plot
1]] rasterplots[[
6.3 Mean spike rate plots
To visualize the mean spike rate over the course of the stimulus sweep, I typically elect to use 100ms-binned data. This format of the data allows me to see the salient spike rate patterns without focusing on every little variation in the data.
Here, we will use ggplot
to create a plot with:
- Data sub-plotted by stimulus (i.e., Speed and Direction)
- Standardized sweep time on the x-axis, with delineation among blank, stationary, and moving phases
- A black line to indicate the mean spike rate, along with a grey ribbon to show +/- 1 S.E.M.
## For each 100-ms binned file, generate a mean spike plot
bin100_msr_plots for (i in 1:length(bin100_filelist)) {
## Read in the data
bin100_data read_csv(bin100_filelist[i]) %>%
## get unique speeds
sorted_speeds $Speed %>% unique %>% sort(decreasing = TRUE)
## Compute SE and other metrics and add this to our data set
dataslices_100 %>%
bin100_data mutate(
Speed = factor(Speed,
levels = sorted_speeds)) %>%
## Split by direction and speed, because we will use those to define each
## subplot
group_split(Direction, Speed) %>%
## Group by time bin
::map(group_by, bin) %>%
purrr## Within each time bin, compute the following:
purrr## first() can be used for metadata such as Speed or Direction
Speed = first(Speed),
Direction = first(Direction),
## I generally compute the mean within each bin for the following:
Time_stand = mean(Time_stand),
Blank_end = mean(Blank_end),
Static_end = mean(Static_end),
Mean_spike_rate = mean(Spike_rate),
## To get SE, divide s.d. by the square root of sample size
Spike_rate_SE = sd(Spike_rate)/sqrt(n()),
Mean_photod_rate = mean(Photod_mean),
## SE of photodiode
Photod_SE = sd(Photod_mean)/sqrt(n())
) ::map(ungroup) %>%
## Generate the mean spike rate plot using ggplot
bin100_msr_plots[[i]] %>%
dataslices_100 ## The same code block can be used to generate either the mean spike rate
## (shown below) or photodiode trace (commented out)
ggplot(aes(x = Time_stand,
y = Mean_spike_rate #Mean_photod_rate
)) ## We'll actually start by placing red, yellow, and green vertical lines to
## distinguish between blank, stationary, and moving phases
## This comes first so that it is the bottom-most layer and doesn't obstruct
## the data
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, col = "red") +
geom_vline(xintercept = first(dataslices_100$Blank_end),
col = "darkgoldenrod1") +
geom_vline(xintercept = first(dataslices_100$Static_end),
col = "forestgreen") +
## We'll use `geom_ribbon()` to shade in the SE traces
ymin = Mean_spike_rate - Spike_rate_SE,
ymax = Mean_spike_rate + Spike_rate_SE
# ymin = Mean_photod_rate - Photod_SE,
# ymax = Mean_photod_rate + Photod_SE
),fill = "grey80") +
## `geom_line()` will be used to draw the mean spike rate itself on top of
## the SE traces
geom_line(linewidth = 0.05) +
## Add a title to help us know what cell this is
ggtitle(bin100_basenames[i], " mean spike rate (100-ms bins)") +
xlab("Time (sec)") +
ylab("Spike rate (spikes/sec)") +
## To sub-plot by Speed and Direction, I typically use `facet_grid()`. This
## method allows me to explicitly declare what the row- and column-wise
## grouping variables are
facet_grid(rows = vars(Speed), cols = vars(Direction)) +
rm(bin100_data, dataslices_100)
is now an object in the environment that contains one plot
per imported data file. To plot, simply call the index of the file you
wish to see. Since we only have 1 example file, we’ll showcase the only
plot here:
## Here's the spike rate plot
1]] bin100_msr_plots[[
6.4 Export to PDF
Should you elect to export either of these sets of plots as PDF
s, here is an
example of what you could do.
## Use the `pdf()` function to start the graphics device driver for producing
## PDFs
## Aspects such as page size and centering mode can be adjusted
for (i in 1:length(rasterplots)) {
pdf(file =
width = 22, height = 12,
pagecentre = TRUE, colormodel = "srgb")
## Now add the plot to the PDF simply by calling plot()
## To declare an end to this PDF writing session, use `dev.off()`
for (i in 1:length(bin100_msr_plots)) {
pdf(file =
width = 22, height = 12,
pagecentre = TRUE, colormodel = "srgb")