
This vignette is Part 1 of 3 for an R workshop created for BIOL 548L, a graduate-level course taught at the University of British Columbia.

When the workshop runs, we split students into three groups with successively increasing levels of difficulty. We recommend everyone starts here and works through the code that follows. This vignette shows users how to load a clean data file into R and make boxplots and scatterplots. Once you are comfortable with the contents of this page, please feel free to move on to Part 2 and ultimately to Part 3 (which we recommend going through only after completing Part 2) here.

All code and contents of this vignette were written together by Vikram B. Baliga, Andrea Gaede, Shreeram Senthivasan, and Eric R. Press

Learning Objectives:

  1. Determine how to import and control data stored in different filetypes
  2. Understand the best practices for structuring data in tidyverse/ggplot2
  3. Construct basic plots using ggplot2

Load or install & load necessary packages

Before running the code below, make sure you have the necessary packages loaded. If you do not have the packages listed below installed on your computer, then download them from the CRAN site using install.packages() and then load them with library() as shown below.

#> Warning: package 'gapminder' was built under R version 4.2.1
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Data sets

You can get all data used in this vignette (and the other two!) by downloading this zip file.

Importing and peeking at data:

Import data using base R command, and give it the name my_data <- read.csv("gapminder.csv")
# In practise, the function read_csv() from the 'readr' package is often better

Take a look at your data

# Same as print(
# Inspect the structure of the data
#> 'data.frame':    1704 obs. of  6 variables:
#>  $ country  : chr  "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" ...
#>  $ continent: chr  "Asia" "Asia" "Asia" "Asia" ...
#>  $ year     : int  1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 ...
#>  $ lifeExp  : num  28.8 30.3 32 34 36.1 ...
#>  $ pop      : int  8425333 9240934 10267083 11537966 13079460 14880372 12881816 13867957 16317921 22227415 ...
#>  $ gdpPercap: num  779 821 853 836 740 ...

# Summarize column information
#>    country           continent              year         lifeExp     
#>  Length:1704        Length:1704        Min.   :1952   Min.   :23.60  
#>  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:1966   1st Qu.:48.20  
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :1980   Median :60.71  
#>                                        Mean   :1980   Mean   :59.47  
#>                                        3rd Qu.:1993   3rd Qu.:70.85  
#>                                        Max.   :2007   Max.   :82.60  
#>       pop              gdpPercap       
#>  Min.   :6.001e+04   Min.   :   241.2  
#>  1st Qu.:2.794e+06   1st Qu.:  1202.1  
#>  Median :7.024e+06   Median :  3531.8  
#>  Mean   :2.960e+07   Mean   :  7215.3  
#>  3rd Qu.:1.959e+07   3rd Qu.:  9325.5  
#>  Max.   :1.319e+09   Max.   :113523.1

# Get column names (variables). This is handy for wide datasets i.e. many variables
#> [1] "country"   "continent" "year"      "lifeExp"   "pop"       "gdpPercap"

# Get first 6 lines/rows (observations)
#>       country continent year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
#> 1 Afghanistan      Asia 1952  28.801  8425333  779.4453
#> 2 Afghanistan      Asia 1957  30.332  9240934  820.8530
#> 3 Afghanistan      Asia 1962  31.997 10267083  853.1007
#> 4 Afghanistan      Asia 1967  34.020 11537966  836.1971
#> 5 Afghanistan      Asia 1972  36.088 13079460  739.9811
#> 6 Afghanistan      Asia 1977  38.438 14880372  786.1134

# Get last 6 lines/rows 
#>       country continent year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
#> 1699 Zimbabwe    Africa 1982  60.363  7636524  788.8550
#> 1700 Zimbabwe    Africa 1987  62.351  9216418  706.1573
#> 1701 Zimbabwe    Africa 1992  60.377 10704340  693.4208
#> 1702 Zimbabwe    Africa 1997  46.809 11404948  792.4500
#> 1703 Zimbabwe    Africa 2002  39.989 11926563  672.0386
#> 1704 Zimbabwe    Africa 2007  43.487 12311143  469.7093

Simply explore the entire data frame


Arguments can be added to a function using commas
Note: arguments with the default setting are hidden, unless specified. Here n changes the default from 6 to 10 lines

head(, n = 10)
#>        country continent year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
#> 1  Afghanistan      Asia 1952  28.801  8425333  779.4453
#> 2  Afghanistan      Asia 1957  30.332  9240934  820.8530
#> 3  Afghanistan      Asia 1962  31.997 10267083  853.1007
#> 4  Afghanistan      Asia 1967  34.020 11537966  836.1971
#> 5  Afghanistan      Asia 1972  36.088 13079460  739.9811
#> 6  Afghanistan      Asia 1977  38.438 14880372  786.1134
#> 7  Afghanistan      Asia 1982  39.854 12881816  978.0114
#> 8  Afghanistan      Asia 1987  40.822 13867957  852.3959
#> 9  Afghanistan      Asia 1992  41.674 16317921  649.3414
#> 10 Afghanistan      Asia 1997  41.763 22227415  635.3414

The helpfile lists what arguments are available


A better import option using Tidyverse

my_data <- read_csv("gapminder.csv")
#> Rows: 1704 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (2): country, continent
#> dbl (4): year, lifeExp, pop, gdpPercap
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Cleaner import and print with read_csv, don't need head()

#> spec_tbl_df [1,704 × 6] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#>  $ country  : chr [1:1704] "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" "Afghanistan" ...
#>  $ continent: chr [1:1704] "Asia" "Asia" "Asia" "Asia" ...
#>  $ year     : num [1:1704] 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 ...
#>  $ lifeExp  : num [1:1704] 28.8 30.3 32 34 36.1 ...
#>  $ pop      : num [1:1704] 8425333 9240934 10267083 11537966 13079460 ...
#>  $ gdpPercap: num [1:1704] 779 821 853 836 740 ...
#>  - attr(*, "spec")=
#>   .. cols(
#>   ..   country = col_character(),
#>   ..   continent = col_character(),
#>   ..   year = col_double(),
#>   ..   lifeExp = col_double(),
#>   ..   pop = col_double(),
#>   ..   gdpPercap = col_double()
#>   .. )
#>  - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>

# But underlying data is the same
#>    country           continent              year         lifeExp     
#>  Length:1704        Length:1704        Min.   :1952   Min.   :23.60  
#>  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:1966   1st Qu.:48.20  
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :1980   Median :60.71  
#>                                        Mean   :1980   Mean   :59.47  
#>                                        3rd Qu.:1993   3rd Qu.:70.85  
#>                                        Max.   :2007   Max.   :82.60  
#>       pop              gdpPercap       
#>  Min.   :6.001e+04   Min.   :   241.2  
#>  1st Qu.:2.794e+06   1st Qu.:  1202.1  
#>  Median :7.024e+06   Median :  3531.8  
#>  Mean   :2.960e+07   Mean   :  7215.3  
#>  3rd Qu.:1.959e+07   3rd Qu.:  9325.5  
#>  Max.   :1.319e+09   Max.   :113523.1
#>    country           continent              year         lifeExp     
#>  Length:1704        Length:1704        Min.   :1952   Min.   :23.60  
#>  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:1966   1st Qu.:48.20  
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :1980   Median :60.71  
#>                                        Mean   :1980   Mean   :59.47  
#>                                        3rd Qu.:1993   3rd Qu.:70.85  
#>                                        Max.   :2007   Max.   :82.60  
#>       pop              gdpPercap       
#>  Min.   :6.001e+04   Min.   :   241.2  
#>  1st Qu.:2.794e+06   1st Qu.:  1202.1  
#>  Median :7.024e+06   Median :  3531.8  
#>  Mean   :2.960e+07   Mean   :  7215.3  
#>  3rd Qu.:1.959e+07   3rd Qu.:  9325.5  
#>  Max.   :1.319e+09   Max.   :113523.1

Other formats for import

my_data_c <- read_delim("gapminder.csv", ',')
#> Rows: 1704 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (2): country, continent
#> dbl (4): year, lifeExp, pop, gdpPercap
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

my_data_x <- read_excel("gapminder.xlsx")
#> New names:
#>  `` -> `...2`
#>  `` -> `...3`
#>  `` -> `...4`
#>  `` -> `...5`
#>  `` -> `...6`

Ways to clean up your data during import

# Inspect with head. We see two junk rows:
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   `Gapminder data` ...2      ...3  ...4    ...5     ...6       
#>   <chr>            <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      
#> 1 43685            12423     NA    NA      NA       NA         
#> 2 country          continent year  lifeExp pop      gdpPercap  
#> 3 Afghanistan      Asia      1952  28.801  8425333  779.4453145
#> 4 Afghanistan      Asia      1957  30.332  9240934  820.8530296
#> 5 Afghanistan      Asia      1962  31.997  10267083 853.10071  
#> 6 Afghanistan      Asia      1967  34.02   11537966 836.1971382

# This can be solved by adding an argument `skip` 
# is the number of rows to skip
my_data_x <- read_excel("gapminder.xlsx", skip = 2)

my_data <- read_csv("gapminder.csv", col_names = FALSE)
#> Rows: 1705 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (6): X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Setting `col_names` to false made the column headers 
# row one and added dummy column names
#> # A tibble: 1,705 × 6
#>    X1          X2        X3    X4      X5       X6         
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1 country     continent year  lifeExp pop      gdpPercap  
#>  2 Afghanistan Asia      1952  28.801  8425333  779.4453145
#>  3 Afghanistan Asia      1957  30.332  9240934  820.8530296
#>  4 Afghanistan Asia      1962  31.997  10267083 853.10071  
#>  5 Afghanistan Asia      1967  34.02   11537966 836.1971382
#>  6 Afghanistan Asia      1972  36.088  13079460 739.9811058
#>  7 Afghanistan Asia      1977  38.438  14880372 786.11336  
#>  8 Afghanistan Asia      1982  39.854  12881816 978.0114388
#>  9 Afghanistan Asia      1987  40.822  13867957 852.3959448
#> 10 Afghanistan Asia      1992  41.674  16317921 649.3413952
#> # … with 1,695 more rows
# We're now going to import the gapminder dataset 
# using the preferred read_csv() function
my_data <- read_csv("gapminder.csv", col_names = TRUE)
#> Rows: 1704 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (2): country, continent
#> dbl (4): year, lifeExp, pop, gdpPercap
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# This looks correct. Note: TRUE is the default so it was not needed above
#> # A tibble: 1,704 × 6
#>    country     continent  year lifeExp      pop gdpPercap
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 Afghanistan Asia       1952    28.8  8425333      779.
#>  2 Afghanistan Asia       1957    30.3  9240934      821.
#>  3 Afghanistan Asia       1962    32.0 10267083      853.
#>  4 Afghanistan Asia       1967    34.0 11537966      836.
#>  5 Afghanistan Asia       1972    36.1 13079460      740.
#>  6 Afghanistan Asia       1977    38.4 14880372      786.
#>  7 Afghanistan Asia       1982    39.9 12881816      978.
#>  8 Afghanistan Asia       1987    40.8 13867957      852.
#>  9 Afghanistan Asia       1992    41.7 16317921      649.
#> 10 Afghanistan Asia       1997    41.8 22227415      635.
#> # … with 1,694 more rows

Using qplot to make a histogram, scatter plot, or dot plot

# This command makes a histogram of the `lifeExp` column of the `my_data` dataset
qplot(x = lifeExp, data = my_data)
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# The same function here makes a scatter plot
qplot(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, data = my_data)

# The same function here makes a dot plot because 
# the x axis is categorical
qplot(x = continent, y = lifeExp, data = my_data)

How can the same function make three different classes of plots?
One of the hidden arguments is geom which specifies the type of plot. The default is auto which leads to a guess of the plot type based on the data type(s) in the column(s) you specify.

Type ?qplot in the console to read the qplot documentation

Now let’s specify the type of plot explicitly

qplot(x = lifeExp, data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

qplot(x = gdpPercap, y = lifeExp, data = my_data, geom = 'point')

# Note that we are now specifying boxplot instead of point plot
qplot(x = continent, y = lifeExp, data = my_data, geom = 'boxplot')

How to quickly make plots with qplot() that are easy to interpret

Now let’s change the number of bins in a histogram and make the plot prettier

# The hidden argument `bins` has a default valute of 30
qplot(x = lifeExp, data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# This changes the number of bins to 10
qplot(x = lifeExp, bins = 10, data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')

# Alternatively you can choose the width you want the bins to have
qplot(x = lifeExp, binwidth = 5, data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')

# Let's add a title
qplot(x = lifeExp, binwidth = 5, main = "Histogram of life expectancy", data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')

# Let's add x and y axes labels
qplot(x = lifeExp, binwidth = 5, main = "Histogram of life expectancy", xlab = "Life expectancy (years)", ylab = "Count", data = my_data, geom = 'histogram')

# This format is easier to read, but otherwise exactly the same.
# The convention is to break lines after commas.
qplot(x = lifeExp,
      binwidth = 5,
      main = "Histogram of life expectancy",
      xlab = "Life expectancy (years)",
      ylab = "Count",
      data = my_data,
      geom = 'histogram')

Log scale & trendline

Let’s apply a log scale and add a trendline to a scatter plot

# Note that data points on the x axis are compressed with a linear scale
qplot(x = gdpPercap, 
      y = lifeExp, 
      data = my_data, 
      geom = 'point')

# Here the x axis is log transformed
qplot(x = gdpPercap, 
      y = lifeExp, 
      log = 'x',
      data = my_data, 
      geom = 'point')

# Let's add a trendline to the data as well.
# The linear regression model 'lm' will be added on top of our previous plot
qplot(x = gdpPercap,
      y = lifeExp,
      log = 'x',
      main = "Scatter plot of life expectancy versus GDP per capita",
      xlab = "Log-transformed GDP per capita ($)",
      ylab = "Life expectancy (years)",
      data = my_data,
      # The following line adds a `smooth` trendline
      # We want our regression to be a linear model, or `lm`
      method = lm,
      # the `c()` function allows us to pass multiple variables
      # to the `geom` argument
      geom = c('point','smooth'))
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

## Ignore warning message

Building a boxplot using gapminder data

qplot(x = continent,
      y = lifeExp,
      main = "Boxplot of life expectancy by continent",
      xlab = "Continent",
      ylab = "Life expectancy (years)",
      data = my_data,
      geom = 'boxplot')

These plots (or anything else really) can be assigned to an object using the <- symbol so that it is stored in your “global environment” and can be recalled, modified or worked with elsewhere in the script.

my_boxplot <-
  qplot(x = continent,
        y = lifeExp,
        main = "Boxplot of life expectancy by continent",
        xlab = "Continent",
        ylab = "Life expectancy (years)",
        data = my_data,
        geom = 'boxplot')

# Now displaying your plot is as simple as printing the original dataset

Congratulations! You finished part 1!! Now check out part 2
